Press Releases


  • Soft Robotics Podcast (20XX / round 2) with Helmut Hauser about soft robotics and morphological computation

  • Soft Robotics Podcast (20XX / round 1) with Helmut Hauser about soft robotics and morphological computation

  • Podcast Robot Talk #47 with Helmut Hauser, all about soft robotics, sensing, and smart robot bodies.

  • Podcast Robot Talk #17 with Valentina Lo Gatto on bio-inspired robots: learning from nature

  • Podcast Robot Talk #XX with Estelle Rafter on podcast with Claire



The IEEE RAS Technical Committee organised the first ever debate. The topic was “Morphological Contribution vs. Traditional Methods for Control and Planning in Soft Robotics”. The participants defending traditional control were Cosimo Della Santina (TU Delft) and Manolo Garabini (Università di Pisa). Thrishantha Nanayakkara (Imperial London) and Helmut Hauser (University of Bristol) were on the side of Morphological Computation.
Moderator was Laure Blumenschein (Purdue).